We have seen that energy is always connected with movementThe natural movementof water is sinuousconvoluting and vortical. Without such movement there is no polarity.vortices,however,can-not form without the existence of polarities.Through the action of vortices come rhythms, the pulsations that act as a gateway a breathing process that the river performs for the environment.
Earth pollution
We usually think of pollution in physical terms,Like a room full of Tobacco smoke, or a factory's chemical effluent poisoning a stream.
This is the boundary of rconventional science.Thus when people.raise fears about the safety of microwave ovens, radar transmission towers, mobile phones, the official response from scientists is inevitably,'there's no evidence that they are any danger to health.
Naturally,cynical collusion between government and industry only strengthens this misguided view in order to discourage public protest or lawsuits.
The blocking of these creative energies by the emanations from modern technology-gical processes Schauberger saw as the most dan-gerous form of pollution. Their heat, pressure and, above all,Chaotic effects actually destroy the more delicate energies of Nature's con-structive developmental processes.Thus, chemicals invading a stream not only make it dirty and smelly,but they also destroy the complex structure of the water,so that it can no longer behave like healthy water, but literally dies (seWe don't know how much energy pollution from anti-Nature Technology affects) The environment in general.Logically it should be most prevalent near power stations,large factories and the like.However,when rivers, which are the arteries of the blood of the Earth Clearly,if humanity is to reverse the downward devolutionary spiral,our first priority must be to change over to Nature's energy systems.
Energy Defines quality.
Convinced that we are the pinnacle of life on the Earth, we humans are actually destroying the very basis of creativity on the planet. It is the diversity of Nature that supports our place in the biosphere. The ongoing extraction of oil, coal and other minerals,Deforestation, overfishing and the continual loss of animal and plant species threaten our very existence.It is well accepted that only inferior.
Earth Loose Boy.
“The soul is like a bowl of water, and our impressions are like the ray of light falling upon the water.
When the water is troubled,it appears that the light itself is moved too,but it isn’,when a person loses their composure it isn’t their skills and virtues that are troubled,but thes pirit in which they exist,and when that spirit calms down so do those things.”our messed up a little. Or maybe you messed up a lot.So?
That doesn’t change the philosophy that you know. It’s not as if your reasoned choice haspermanently abandoned you Rather,it was you who temporarily abandoned it.
Remember that the tools and aims of our training are unaffected by the turbulence of the moment. Stop.
Regain your composure. It’s waiting for you.
Earth motion.
use the wrong form of motion
The way earth,Water and air are moved determines whether patho-genic or healthy life-forms come into being.
New life can arise from burnt (carbonized) bacterial cultures,but if it is wrongly moved and processed then its parasitic nature soon becomes evident. However, if this culture is placed in soil that has been spared humanity's misguided,interference then its life-force blossoms again immediatelthe internal combustion and steam engines on which our civiliza-tion depend not even 50% efficient?
The Energy that is not turned.
into power or motion is wasted and heats up the atmosphere,adding to the greenhouse effect. From his observations of Nature came the answer,which is probably the most important of Discoveri-es-that we use the wrong form of motion.
Our machines andtechnological,processes channel agents such as air,water and other liquids and gases into the type of motion that Nature uses only to decompose and dissolve matter.
As a conse-quence,the air,water and other substances are devitalized and debilitated,affecting their surroundings.
The energy produced by our technology is harmful because,by its very nature,it causes dete-rioration in the environment through strengthening those energies that break down structures and degrade quality while at the same time suppressing those that increase quality and thus help plants and animals to be healthy.
Radiation: Energy emitted in the form of electromagnetic waves. Radiation has differing.
characteristics depending upon the wavelength. Because the radiation from the Sun is relatively energetic, it has a short wavelength (e.g.,ultraviolet, visible and near infrared) while energyreradia-ted from the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere has a longer wavelength (e.g.,infrared radiation) because the Earth is cooler than the Sun.
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