The universe is commonly defined as the tot-
ality of everything that exists,including all ,
physical matter and energy, the planets,stars
galaxies and thecontents of intergalactic spa-
ce.The universe has no limit.......!
Agalaxy is a vast system of billions of stars,
which also contains a large number of gas
clouds (mainly of hydrogen gas) and dust,
isolated in space from similar systems.,
There are about 100 billion galaxies in the
universe, and each galaxy(1011 stars)So, the
total number of stars in the universe is
1022..🤝.!stars.The Milky Way Galaxy home/
Earth and our Solar System. It isspiral in ,,
years after the Big Bang. galaxy is theDwarf The Solar SystemThe solar system consi
sts of the sun, the eight planets and their
satellites(orasteroids,comets and meteor SUN i,💥held an equally significant ,,place in our fore
-bears' world-view. Mother Earth order to Crea-
te the incalculable nu-mber different life-forms
that inhabit this planet. The Sun behavesVerele-
ments and substances of the Earth(the sleeping
princess).The beneficial UVc rays1which the OZ-
ONE,layer allows through,have to decelerate in
order to unite with the rece-ptive and passi-V
energyrising inside The Earth; these slower
Energy have accel-Crate, for fertilization can,,
Take place only if The two res-onate with a ,
Sympathetic rate of vibra-tions,,the Earth
has regarded a sacred being The Great Mother!
Jupiter is the largest planet of the Solar System
.Jupiter is also known as winter planet as its
average temperature is very low (-148° C),,
Saturn is the second largest planet in the Solar
System.Saturn has bright concentric rings ,,
which are made up of ice and ice-covered dust
particles which revolve around it.
Uranus is about four times the size of the Earth
This planet appearsgreenish in colour because
of methane gas present in its atmosphere,
UNAURS was discovered in 1781 by Sir William
Hersiel.Uranus is the 7th planet from the Sun.
The Earth
Earth is the large of the inner planets The Earth
is 232°Tilted on its Axis and thus makes 66½° ,,
Takes 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.091 seconds
to rotate on its axis.,,It takes 365 days, 5 hours
and 48 minutes to revolve around the SUN,,
EARTHis known as the "watery planet" or the
"blue planet" due to thepresence of hugeamoun-
tof water on it.Earth is the only known planet
which provides sustenance or life on , sehas a
large quantity of oxygen which supports life.
The earth has all the essential elements like ,
carbon(in the form of CO₂)hydrogen (H2)n itrog-
en(N2)and oxygen(O2)which act as building,,b
locks for the origin of life.The earth is neither
too hot nor too cold. It has 'Goldilock Zone'.'
Goldilock Zone' is the habitable zone of solar
system where all mi are available for life to
sustain.The earth has a lot of water in the form
of lakes, rivers and oceans for the growth and
survival of life.The earth has enough ox-ygen ,
Gas in its atmosphere for the survival of living
beings through breathing..!