ExiTer7 Bro.
The Nature of Matter.!
Understanding the Physical World.Earth spirituality, Earth River, Earth Waters, Earth Natural Water, Earth Organics, Earth soil.
THE quality of any process in Nature depends on the relative influence of the positive and + negative - temperatureg radients the way the two forms of Tempe-rature interact is of crucial importance of this affects not only the movement of water But in plants and the flow of Blood .
Stages of a river
A river has three stages of life. Its youthful stage energizes the water as the steep landscape puts it through vigorous tumbling, spinning and intense vortical movements. The immature cold water is hun-gry, Taking up minerals as it scours the rock, cutting gullies and steepening the sides of the valley, more especially when it is in spate.
It is oxygenated in rapids and waterfalls. It is put through exercises that it will use well when it matures.When the stream leaves the steep country,The flow slows, and some of the heavier rock matter it carried in suspension is deposited,to be picked up again when the flow accelerates.The water is now mature,having absorbed minerals and generative..!
water treatments Chlorination
Because public water is not treated with the care required to keep water pulsating and alive, it degenerates, attracting pathogenic
As a result,the authorities,routinely treat it with chlorine to prevent the threat to the community of waterborne diseases.This powerful disinfectant removes all types of bacteria,Beneficial and harmful alike,and in doing so,over a long period of time,destroys or seriously weakens many of the immuneen-gancing micro-organisms in the body.
It is a major contributor of lowered immune
resistance in older people.Medical authorities say that the amount of chlorine is so small that it could not do this, but they fail to take
into account that the chlorine accumulates in the fatty tissue of the body, so that the dosage is cumulative, nor that there is a homeopathic action that amplifies the effect on the body. authorities routinely treat it with chlorine to prevent the threat to the community of waterborne diseases.
This powerful disinfectant removes all types of bacteria,beneficial and harmful alike, and in doing so,over a long period of time,destroys or seriously weakens many of the immune-
enhancing micro-organisms in the body.
It is a major contributor of lowered immune resistance in older people. Medical authorities say that the amount of chlorine is so small that it could not do this, but they fail to take into account that the chlorine accumulates in the fatty tissue of the body,so that the dosage is cumulative, nor that there is a homeopathic action that amplifies the effect on the body.
Earth Organic
organic substances are spun in to this Belt of rapidly rotating core water (emulsified) that is composed to a large extent of
ionizedelements,What this does is to enable new combinations and recombinations of the various elements and suspended substances This is a process that Victor called 'cold infermentation,'which is very much
associated with longitudinal vortices,These are beneficial because the cooling makes the oxygen and silicates more passive and able to
combine with carbones,which then produce a fructi-genic growth.
Soil, climate, and land use,Climate is by far the most important factor controlling the development of soils (pedogenesis) from
their parent materials,but it is not the only one. Pedogenesis is also affected by the type of vegetation(which is also climaticall,governed), the activities of animals including humans, the parent material,and topography. Most of the chemical reactions by which the mineral constituents of rock are modified do not commence until the temperature rises above 10°C, and their reaction rates double for every further 10°C rise above that.It follows that, provided water is available, soils develop and age faster,in warm than in cold climates and it is in warm climates that biological organisms are more active.
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